Monday, February 22, 2016

This week, on the island...*cue theme music*

Hey Mahallies! 

Good news: I've officially finished my 12 weeks as a trainee! *throws cap in the air as graduation music plays*
Not-so-good news: Today's transfer day...and president Tye just called to tell us that my companion is getting transferred to Molino to serve as a Sister Training Leader(basically is in charge/checks up on all of the sister missionaries in a certain area). I couldn't be more devastated. Sister Livermore is everything and more I've ever wanted in a companion. She's hard working, full of the spirit, and serves EVERYONE without being asked. I've learned so much from her example, and this area did a complete 180 for the best when she got here because we worked like workhorses together, and the spirit was so strong! I understand why she had to go (she's just too amazing to keep to myself) but...I'm just going to miss her like crazy. But I'm not worried - we're called to where the Lord needs us, and I'm grateful for the time we had together. 

This last week, I'd caught a slight fever. Staying in was an option...but so much work had to be done! I didn't feel it necessary to stay in and sleep all day, so we ended up going out and working...and I felt like this week was one of the most rewarding weeks of my mission so far because i pushed myself to do God's work. 

I wish you could all see the progress the people here are making. Faith in Christ and His gospel changes lives. 

The day I wanted to stay in the most, we pushed forward and taught a 14 year old girl named Charisse. Her brother is a recent convert. He the only person in his family who is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and he is preparing to serve a mission! He sat in for the lesson with Charisse, and bore his testimony to his little sister about the truth and happiness he's found in this gospel. At the end of the lesson, I extended an invitation for her to be baptized...and she was super excited and said absolutely! I hope I didn't creep her out, haha because I was beaming from ear to ear. Every pain in my body completely vanished because I was SO happy for her decision to trust in God, and take such a huge step closer to Him! 

We visited sister Olba on her birthday. She'd been sick for a while, and got a priesthood blessing and was so filled with the spirit she literally cried! It was such a blessing to see her heart softened. She'd been committing to come to church for months, but always found a reason not to...and on sunday she FINALLY WENT TO CHURCH! The moment i walked in and saw her in the congregation, i basically flew at my companion with the most epic high five ever. I couldn't be happier to watch these people progress!

Anyways, these people mean so much to me. They are so extremely special, and I have grown to love them SO MUCH! I want, more than anything, to give them my full heart, might, mind, and strength as I serve them. I know that there are going to be good days and not so good days...but we just have to give our all...and then push a little bit more, and God will bless us with miracles! Here's a little advice from my dad for the hard days: Sometimes, people have problems because they are making poor choices or doing something wrong. But other times, people are having difficulties because they are doing something right.

We're going to have obstacles from every different direction, but they're to help us grow and better ourselves. Keep pushing forward, and put your trust in God. Don't allow yourself to feel inadequate. He's given you so many talents and gifts - use them to bless your life and others around you and seek to gain more! (If you do feel inadequate - read this: Moroni 10:8-22 and Ether 12:27. We're all different and all have different strengths).

Anyways, I love you guys a ton, so keep your head up and keep pushing forward!

Ingat kayo palagi,

Sister Calica  

Also i ate chicken feet this week. Yup. That happened.
Here's a couple pictures of a parade that happened this week, a happy-un-birthday war between my companion and I and some of the elders, and a ton of pictures with some of the cool people in my ward! 

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